The students of Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Koramangala, Bangalore – Kavana, Moulya and Ruthushree have been selected to play in 8th Sub-Junior National Level Hockey Tournament which will be held from 10th January 2018 to 21st January 2018 at Hissar, Haryana. The Management, Principal and Staff members wish them the best of luck.
For four years they are playing and they have been the best team in Bengaluru and their competitors is Bishop Cottonians. They have been trained by Girish from Chinmaya School who is also their PT Master. This year three students from Chinmaya Mission School have been selected into under 16 Karnataka State Hockey team. Moulya, 8th standard, Kavana 7th Std, and Ruthushree being the youngest is 6th Std. And she is youngest in the Karnataka team.
They will be representing the state in national level tournaments. They have been representing the school in state level matches and have won six out of 8 matches and runners-up in the remaining two matches. They have been trained with the available limited infrastructure in Chinmaya school and have emerged as star players.Ruthushree is playing from the age of 8 years and playing for Chinmaya school past 4 years and her sheer talent has won her a place in the state team amongst her seniors.