“I am proud to say that Mr. Ram Chaddha from Koramangala 8th Block started practicing this Heartfullness meditation from past 10 years”, says Seema Murlidhara from Koramangala. Ram Chaddha is working as a manager in Enzen Technology got benefited and wanted to teach and spread happiness and peace and all. He started the free meditation class in his own residence in Koramangala 8th Block #313 first floor near L-awrence School from past 2 years on every Wednesday from 7pm to 8 pm
Now Heartfullness Meditation is being conducted every Saturday at the Indian Heritage Academy between 8am and 9am.
This is a simple and practical way to experience the heart’s unlimited resource and a simple practical way to lean relaxation and for the wellness of humanity. Heartfullness program are offered by Sahaj Marg Spirituality Foundation, a non-profit organization with the aim of offering meditation to all humanity.
This is simply ad effective technique that helps individuals relax, develop calmness from within leading to reduced stress, anxiety, improve focus and all wellness of being.
This method is available in all over hundreds of countries throughout the world, this has no association with any religion. Above 15 years of age all are welcome to try the method. Absolutely no charges for the practice. You are all invited to come and practice and see the benefits.