To commemorate birth centenary of Pujya Swami Chinmayanandaji, Chinmaya Jyoti was flagged of by Swami Tejomayananda on 8th May 2015.
The Jyoti arrived at Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Koramangala on 23rd July 2015 at 9.30am. Each and every member of the Chinmaya Family welcomed the team accompanied by the band. Every one could feel the divine presence of Pujya Gurudev stepping into the Vidyalaya with grandeur and magnificence to bless all the devotees. The Jyoti with Paduka, Vastra and The coin released by our Honourable Prime Minister to commemorate the birth centenary of Pujya Gurudev, Chinmayanandaji before the beautifully decorated portrait of Swami Chinmayananda at Prarthana Mandir. It would be no exaggeration to say that the entire Vidyalaya wore a festive look with colourful rangolis and floral decorations.
The programme comprised Bhajans by the students of Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Koramangala and st.John’s road, Paduka Puja and discourse by Brahmachari Sujay Chaitanya. There was an animation show called ‘Yagnatarium’. It was followed by musical performance of Nilambari group. Brahmachari Sujay Chaitanya addressed the students of 10th inspiring them to live in line with the values preached in our scriptures.
In the evening, Mrs. Aishwarya Vijayanand, Chief Bala Vihar Sevika; GN Seshadri a senior mission member and the Acharyas of Chinmaya Mission addressed the gathering recalling how they have been bebefitted by their association with Pujya Gurudev and Chinmaya Mission. The entire event will be cherished by all Chinmaya Devotees as one of the greatest and memorable moments. From here Jyoti traversed to Andhrapradesh.
The day’s programme got concluded with Arathi and Santimantra
A Grand Welcome to Chinmaya Jyoti