A meeting was held at the instance of the Residents Welfare Association of 4th Block in Rectangle Playground, 4th Block, Koramangala, on December 5, to discuss the various problems faced by
the residents of 4th Block regarding segregation of garbage waste i.e.wet waste, dry waste and sanitary waste. Sheela Ladha and Dr. Shantha, social activists, have explained to the gathering how to segregate the waste into different types of garbage. They have also distributed the bins and bags to collect the segregated waste.
There are many reasons for not segregating waste and composting at home that range from bad smell to lack of time. Irrespective of the space available, everybody can take up composting at home. Just segregating waste and composting for week is enough for people to realise that it can become a lifelong process.
The meeting was attended by Yogesh, Assistant Executive Engineer, BBMP, along with his team and GM Shetty, President, Koramangala 4th Block Residents’ Welfare Association, along with other committee members.
Getting everyone to segregate waste