ENERA members celebrated 69th Independence Day on 15th August last Saturday at Ashanilaya,Rama Temple Road,Ejipura.Rtn Nagabushan Reddy, Secretary, Rotary Club Koramangala was the chief guest and hoisted the national flag. In his presidential address he assured the residents that “Rotary Club Koramangala as usual jointly strives for the social cause with ENERA”. There was big gathering of residents and children of the area and Ashanilaya inmates.T Ramachandra a candidate contesting for the BBMP pole from ward- 148 also participated and attracted the crowd.
The event was followed with distribution of merit certificates and cash awards to winners of Everest High School students who secured highest marks in quiz competition jointly conducted by SBI and ENERA .Students of Indian Institute of Psychology and Research along with Ashnilaya inmates presented variety of entertainments.
Ravindra Kumar President of ENERA welcomed the gathering and office bearers Mauris D’souza, John Felix, Krishna Kumar presented the flower pots to the dignitaries. Sweets and breakfast was arranged for all the invitees. The event concluded with vote of thanks by General Secretary PN Gopal.