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Annual Day at Spoorthi Mahila Sangha

IMG-2017aCity Kemp News
Its was celebration for Spoorthi Mahila Sangha on account of 8th annual day on 7th febrauary 2017 held at YWCA hall.
Mrs. Grace Anchan was the chief guest, retired nurse who is serving Koramangala by conducting free BP and diabetic checkup and spreading health awareness programmes at schools, colleges and churches.
Programme was hosted by Shilpa Sreenivas. Started with a prayer by committee members, welcome song by Annapurna followed by welcome speech from president Sujatha Satish. Also thanked heartfully for all the members for their sponsoring.
Mrs. Grace in the speech felt great about the members and their family for the support and to continue, also wished the best for future.
Members of Koramangala 8th block Laughing club were also gathered and made the day remarkable. Prize distribution for the various compitetion winners were honored by beautiful hibiscus plants to promote go green concept awareness to the member. Chief guest honored Tulsi plant to all participants.
Annapurna presented vote of thanks to the gathering and continued with the cultural events. Krishna Leela, fusion dance for hindi hits and fusion for kannada hits, skits, aerobic style dance and fashion show were the days highlights.
Cultural programme came to an end by national anthem followed by lunch to all members and guests.

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