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Nadasurabhi bestows the title Sangeetha Surabhi on TVG

dsc_0019aHarini Raghavan

The last 3 concerts of the 23rd Annual music festival of Nadasurabhi received an over whelming response by the music lovers.  On Saturday, 5th November, it was vocal concert by Sangita kalanidhi Vidwan Sanjay Subrahmanyan.  As the artist was brimming with confidence on the stage the hall was full to the brim even before the scheduled time of the concert!
He started with a rare varnam in raga ‘Ahiri’ in a comfortable speed. Raga alapana of Bilahari and the song that followed, ‘Inthakannanadamemi’ had special sancharas and sangathis with beautiful birgas and Kalyani was exceptionally good. Purandaradasa’s song ‘Kallusakkare kolliro’ was highly expressive. ‘Kadaikann nokki…’ a tamil song in ‘Thodi’ with a brilliant neraval at ‘mayilapuri…’ was well received by the rasikas.
The main piece was ‘Dharini telusukonti’ in ‘Sudha saveri’ .Neraval at ‘rajitha mani gana bhusini’ and the swara that followed was outstanding.  Ragam tanam pallavi in raga ‘Shan mukhapriya’ was a sumptuous treat.  A few songs in kannada and tamil and a popular javali in Behag were presented in the end.  He had an excellent team of accompanying artists who rose to the occasion.
On Sunday morning, (6th November), the ‘Sangeetha Surabhi’ title was conferred on senior musician Sangita Kalanidhi, Padmabhushan Dr. T.V. Gopalakrishnan. His vocal concert followed the felicitation programme.  This octogenarian artist made us spell bound by his neat presentation of ragas like ‘Hindolam’,, ‘Hamsanandi’ and ‘Sankarabharanam’ in great style. A few popular Thyagaraja kritis and Purandaradasa kritis were the high lights.  With two of his disciples giving vocal support and a senior team of accompanying artists the concert was of a good standard.
On the evening of 6th, Vidwan Abhishek Raghuram stole the show during his vocal concert. His speedy varnam, briga laden raga alapanas and tricky sangathis and swaras incorporated into the kritis, made everyone jump with joy. A vivadi raga,’Chalanata’ was sung very well and the only popular song ‘Edayya gathi’ of Koteeshwara Iyer  was presented on request. The tri-raga RTP in ‘Anandabhairavi-Sama – Shanmukapriya’ was the main item presented with all virtuosity.  With a Kannada devaranama in ‘Behag’ and a Malayalam padam in ‘Surutti’ he ended the concert. The accompanying artists gave adequate support.
Though the hall was overflowing for the weekend concerts, even week day concerts  recorded very good attendance.  With lot of appreciation from the artists and audience alike, yet another successful music festival was cherished by the organisers.

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