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Security awareness program for senior citizens on May 19

securityckIt is very important for seniors to be aware of safety and security measures available for their protection, more so in the backdrop of recently reported crimes in Bangalore. For this reason, BeautifulYears has organised a special security awareness programme for senior citizens, in association with Bangalore Police, on May 19 from 4 30pm to 6 pm, at YWCA hall in Koramangala 6th Block.
Agenda of the workshop
By Bangalore Police Department, a talk on effective and practical safety measures, as well as special facilities available for crime prevention against seniors.
How to hire domestic staff, without compromising your safety and security – Important information from police as well as a reputed security agency, Samurai Secura.
Product Showcase: Demonstrations of useful gadgets and devices to secure yourself and your home, including security cameras, remote locking systems, alarm systems, panic buttons, tracking devices and more. There will be special offers for that day on all products showcased.
Date & Time: 19th May, 4 30 – 6 pm
Venue: YWCA Hall, No. 7, 20th Main, 6th Block, Koramangala, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560095
You can pass on the word to all the senior citizens in your neighbourhood, family or friend circle. Entry is free however, due to limited seating capacity, and to arrange for other logistics, registration is mandatory.
To register for this event, you can call on 080-69400333 or 9980571240. You could also email at: [email protected]
BeautifulYears is a startup working to provide holistic solutions for the elderly, and for those who take care of them.

Some do’s and don’ts

* Employ a servant after verifying his/her antecedents with the help of the nearest Police Station.
* Always carry an Identity Card with you.
* Never discuss financial matters in front of servants/strangers.
* Deposit your valuables in safe deposit vault of any Bank.
* Treat your servants in a humane manner.
* Normally, do not allow the relatives or friends of your servant to visit your house. If at all he/she has any frequent visitors, get their antecedents checked from police. Try to keep the number of such persons to the minimum.
* If you are staying alone, please inform your neighbours and also to the Secretary of your Housing SocietyRWA .
* Use of modern security gadgets like door alarm, electronic-eye bell etc is always advantageous. Consult professionals for installing such gadgets.
* Install a peephole in the entrance door of your house and allow access only to the known and identified persons. Install double door system. It is always safer to deal with strangers without opening the main door or deal with them only after informing the neighbours or the security.
* Never leave spare keys or even the original keys in the open or in the conventional hiding places.
* Verify the identity of any repairman, salesman etc and allow them access only after informing the security.
* When you admit a workman or a salesman, do not leave him alone at any time.
* You will be safest in bright, well lit and busy areas.
* Stay alert to the surroundings while jogging or walking. Avoid using ear phones etc. at such times.
* Keep emergency medicines and family doctor’s numbers or emergency medical services numbers at hand.
* Inform your society about unacquainted visitors, so that their identity could be checked at the gate of the society.
* A well-designed electronic alarm system attached to the office of your Housing Society or to the watchman’s cabin would be advisable so as to send alarm signals to all simultaneously.
* Employ a servant after verifying his real name, native address with the help of the nearest Police Station.

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