Here are the relevant extracts from the judgement:
However, we constitute the following Committee to inspect the projects in question and submit a report to the Tribunal inter alia but specifically on the issues stated herein after.
lAdvisor in the Ministry of Environment and Forest dealing with the subject of wetlands.
lCEO of the Lake Development Authority, Karnataka State.
l Chief Town Planner of BBMP, Bangalore.
lChairman of SEAC which recommended the grant of Environmental Clearance to the projects in question.
l Sr. Scientist (Ecology) from the Indian Institute of Sciences, Bangalore.
l Dr. Siddharth Kaul, former Advisor to MoEF.
l An Senior Officer from the National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee.
l Member Secretary of the Karnataka State Pollution Control Board shall act as the Convenor of the Committee and would submit the final report to the Tribunal.
l The Committee shall inspect not only the sites where the projects in question are located but even other areas of Bangalore which the Committee in its wisdom may consider appropriate, in order to examine the interconnectivity of lakes and impact of such activities upon the water bodies, with particular reference to lakes
l The Committee would also recommend what should be the buffer zone around the lake(s) and interconnecting passages 106 and wetlands. The committee shall also report whether activities of multipurpose projects which have serious repercussions on traffic, air pollution, environment and allied subjects should be permitted any further or not, particularly, in wetlands and catchment areas of water bodies.
l The committee shall submit its report to MoEF and to this Tribunal as expeditiously as possible and in any case not later than three months from today.
l During that period we restrain MoEF, SEIAA and/or any public authority from sanctioning any construction project on the wetlands and catchment areas of the water bodies in the city of Bangalore.
Relevant extracts from the judgement