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Karnataka Assembly Elections on May 12; results on May 15

City Kemp News

Karnataka Assembly Elections will be held on May 12 and the result will be declared on May 15, 2018, the Election Commission announced on Tuesday. Karnataka elections will be held in a single phase. Chief Election Commissioner OP Rawat said that the model code of conduct has come into effect in the poll-bound state
The elections are being held to choose the 224 members of the Karnataka Assembly whose tenure ends in May 2018.

Schedule for General Election to the Legislative Assembly of Karnataka, 2018
Poll Events Schedule
Date of Issue of Gazette Notification 17.04.2018 (TUE)
Last Date of Nominations 24.04.2018 (TUE)
Date for Scrutiny of Nominations 25.04.2018 (WED)
Last Date for Withdrawal of candidatures 27.04.2018 (FRI)
Date of Poll 12.05.2018 (SAT)
Date of Counting 15.05.2018 (TUE)
Date before which election shall be completed 18.05.2018 (FRI)

New Initiatives
1. Use of VVPATs at all Polling Stations:
VVPATs will be used along with EVMs in all 56,696 Polling Stations of 224 Assembly Constituencies of poll going state of Karnataka to enhance the transparency and credibility of the elections. On a pilot basis, VVPAT from One (1) Polling Station in each Assembly Constituency will be randomly selected to count VVPAT paper slips for verification of the result obtained from the control unit.
2. All Women Managed Polling Stations: All- women Managed Polling Stations’ shall be set up in one polling station for each Assembly Constituency where the entire polling staff, including the police and security personnel, shall be Women. Total 224 Women Managed Polling Stations will be setup for the
entire state of Karnataka for the first time.
3. Booth Level Planning:
First time in the Country an innovative “bottom up” approach of booth level planning and management has been implemented in the State of Karnataka where in Booth Level plans for 56,696 Polling Stations have been prepared containing all information and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for response for smooth conduct of elections at each Polling Station. These booth level Plans have been used to prepare AC level, District level and State level Election Management Plans.
4. E-Atlas :
As a new innovation, GIS based planning, implementation and monitoring of various elections related activities are being implemented in the State of Karnataka for Election Planning.
5. E-Payment Gateway for Goods and Services:
All Payments will be made through e-payment gateway for (i) Timely Payment for all the Civilian Officials/Police Officials deployed for “Election Duties” (ii) Timely Payment to all the Owners of the Vehicles which are Requisitioned for Election Purpose , (iii) Timely Payment for all the Vendors who provide Goods and Services for Election related Duties in all the Assembly Constituencies.
6. Registration of Service Voters and ETPBS:
Earlier, the Commission implemented ETPBS (Electronically Transmitted Postal Ballot System)
on pilot basis in 4 states of Punjab, UP, Uttarakhand and Manipur and in the entire state of Goa. ETPBS was used in all the State Assembly Elections conducted during 2017-2018 and will be used in Karnataka election also.
7. Friendly Polling Stations for differently abled electors:
Special facilitation voting at all Polling Stations would be ensured for all differently-abled electors.

New ITApplications To Be Used For Forthcoming General Elections:
(a) SAMADHAN: Public Grievance RedressalAnd Monitoring System: A comprehensive, robust nd reliable pubic Grievance Redress System has been developed by the Election Commission to provide a common platform for all complaints, grievances, concerns and suggestions lodged by any member of the public, including our various stakeholders like political parties, candidates, civil society groups etc. a citizen has the multi-modal facility to lodge any election-related complaint via bouquet of channels/sources like website, email, letter, fax, SMS, call center ( Call center number is 1950) etc. A mobile app shall also be made available for the people, so that they can submit complaints with photographs/videos on the common platform.
(b) SUVIDHA: Single Window Permission System:
A single window system for giving election-related permission/clearness within 24 hours has been created. In this system, candidates and political parties can apply for permissions for meetings, rallies, vehicles, temporary election office, loudspeakers etc at a single location, where back-end convergence of various authorities/departments has been done. This system is put in place at every RO level in each sub-division which will provide for applying, processing, granting and monitoring permissions in a synergistic manner. However in case of permission for helicopter usage/ landing and
use of helipads, the application shall have to be submitted at least 36 hours in advance.
(c) SUGAM: Vehicle Manaement System:
It is an IT based Vehicle Management System with the facility of issuance of requisition letters for vehicles, capturing of vehicle details with address, mobile number and bank details of owner and drive, transfer of vehicles from one district to another district etc.
(d) Webcasting /CCTV at poling stations:
Webcasting at identified critical stations for LIVE monitoring of election process, to keep a check on illegal activities such as booth capturing, money distribution and bogus voting and to bring about complete transparency in the voting process shall be undertaken. Further, during the election process, CCTV monitoring and webcasting shall also be done at various border check-posts, check-nakas and other sensitive and critical locations across the constituencies to keep a strict vigil on any nefarious
activities designed to vitiate the electoral process.
(e) Voter Centric Information Dissseminatin Initiatives on Website of CEO, Karnataka (
It is the constant endeavor of the Commission to facilitate the voters in accessing the multifarious election-related services and information. As part of this vision, an SMS-based search facility and voter friendly interactive website has already been launched by CEO, Karnataka and successfully working.
(f) One-way Electronically Transmitted Postal Ballot for Service Voters:
All registered Service Voters will be delivered e-postal ballot of their respective constituency through electronically transmitted postal ballot (ETPBS), which will be printed and after casting the vote will be sent back to Returning Officer by post.

Model Code of Conduct
The Model Code of Conduct comes into effect immediately from now onwards. All the provisions of the Model Code will apply to the whole of Karnataka and will be applicable to all candidates, political parties and, the State Government of Karnataka. The Model Code of Conduct shall also be applicable to the Union Government insofar as announcements/policy decisions pertaining to/for this State is concerned

Special Arrangement For Women:
All-Women Managed Polling Stations: As part of its firm commitment towards gender equality and greater constructive participation of women in the electoral process, the Commission has also directed that, to the extent possible, ‘All- women Managed Polling Stations’ shall be set up in one polling station for each Assembly Constituency where the entire polling staff, including the police and security personnel, shall be women. Total 224 Women managed Polling Stations will be setup for the entire state of Karnataka for the first time.

Voter Guide:
In this election, a Voter Guide (in Kannada / English) shall be handed over to every household ahead of the elections, giving information about the date and time of polls, contact details of the BLOs, important websites, helpline numbers, documents required for identification at the polling station besides other important information including the Do’s and Don’ts for voters at the polling station. This Voter Guide Brochure will be distributed along with the Photo Voter Slips by the BLOs.

Photo Voter Slips (PVS)
To facilitate the voters to know where he/she is enrolled as a voter at a particular polling station and what is his/her serial number in the Electoral roll, the Commission has directed that official voter slip bearing the Photo of the elector (wherever present in the roll) will be distributed at least 7 days before the date of poll to all enrolled voters by the District Election Officer and a very close and rigorous monitoring of the distribution process shall be done by the DEO and General Observer

Assembly Constituencies
The total number of Assembly Constituencies in the State of Karnataka and seats reserved
for the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes, as determined by the Delimitation of
Parliamentary and Assembly Constituencies Order, 2008, are as under: –
State Total No. of ACs Reserved for SCs Reserved for STs
Karnataka 224 36 15

State Total No. of electors as per Total No. of electors as per
draft electoral rolls final electoral rolls
Karnataka 4,90,06,901 4,96,82,357
(Approx. 4.90 Cr.) (Approx. 4.968 Cr.)

Polling Stations and Special Facilitation
The number of Polling Stations of Karnataka are as follows:
State No. of Polling No. of Polling
Stations in 2013 Stations in 2018 % Increase
Karnataka 52,034 56,696 9%

Measures to Prevent Public Nuisance:
(a) Usage of eco-friendly substances for preparing election campaign/publicity material- Considering the long-term deleterious impact of materials like plastics, polythene etc on the life-giving and life-sustaining environment, the Commission, has directed that all political parties, contesting candidates and their authorized agents etc, shall desist from utilizing environmentally hazardous materials like plastics, polythene etc for the preparation and usage election-related publicity materials during the ensuing General Elections to the Legislative Assembly of Karnataka. The DEOs and ROs are directed to emphasize the importance of environment protection and preservation during the meetings with the political parties and contesting candidates and ensure that the instructions of the Commission with regard to the usage of non-eco-friendly materials like plastics, polythene etc during electioneering shall be adhered to by all concerned. The CEO shall impress upon the importance of
using eco-friendly and bio-degradable materials for campaign material to various political parties in the State and issue necessary instructions in this regard.
(b) Restrictions on the use of Loudspeakers:
The Commission is genuinely concerned about the serious ‘noise pollution’ and great disturbance to the peace and tranquility of the general public by the reckless, widespread and flagrant use of loudspeakers during election canvassing and campaign by candidates, political parties and their agents. In particular, the student community, gets seriously disturbed and adversely impacted as their studies are badly hampered because the loudspeakers start blaring from very early hours in the morning and
continue to do so throughout the day and till extremely late hours in the night.Similarly, the aged, the infirm and the sick whether in institutions, hospitals, etc. or at home, are that the use of public address system or loudspeakers or any sound amplifier, whether fitted on vehicles of any kind whatsoever, or in static position used for public meetings for electioneering purposes, during the entire election period starting from the date of announcement of election and ending with the date of declaration of results, shall not be permitted at night between 10.00 p.m. and 6.00 a.m.”
Further, No loudspeakers fitted on vehicles of any kind or in any other manner whatsoever shall be permitted to be used during the period of 48 hours ending with the hour fixed for the conclusion of the poll in any polling area. Moreover, for maintenance for law and order and prevention of loudspeaker use for inciting tension in a politically surcharged atmosphere, District Administrations is advised to consider any application for permission to use loudspeakers after the aforesaid prohibitory period of 48 hours, on merit of each application and keeping in view the need to maintain proper law and order till the completion of election. Also, the Commission solicits the cooperation and collaboration of all the esteemed stakeholders notably the political parties and contesting candidates to refrain from using loudspeakers and sound amplification in the vicinity of educational institutions like schools and colleges; hospitals, senior citizens homes, sanatoriums and other facilities tending to the sick, infirm or the needy.

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