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Asteroid Day on June 30

Asteroid Day is celebrated the world over on the 30th of June every year. Siberia experienced a huge impact from a meteorite on June 30th 1908. Such impacts were welcome entities in the early years as they provided essential ingredients for the origin of Life. They are not welcome anymore, but feared instead, since the associated calamities are too well known. Scientists study the trajectory of potentially dangerous asteroids that could cause greater damages. Scientists are also coming up with several ways of combating such an asteroid if one strayed out and raced towards the earth. ‘Asteroid Day’events aim to educate the public about these aspects, which unites all the inhabitants on our planet.
J N planetarium, Bengaluru is celebrating the ‘Asteroid Day’ with lectures on asteroids and on Meteors, An exhibition of over 20 meteors collected from India and outside and a poster exhibition. Lectures are aimed at high school teachers. Interested members of public can also attend.
Interested Teachers are requested to register with the planetarium on or before June 28th for lectures as entry is limited. There is no registration charge. Rare exhibition of meteorites and poster exhibition are open between 10.30am and 4.30pm. Public and students can make use of the opportunity. Entry to the exhibition is free. Further details may be obtained from Jawaharlal Nehru Planetarium on 22379725 / 2220 3234 or email to [email protected] Or visit our website:

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