Friday, February 7, 2025
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Meet Barrack Obama President of USA

Meet Barrack Obama in the last year of his 2nd and last term as President of the USA.
Barrack Obama, an African American by birth & a ‘Black’ – the 1st one to occupy the ‘White House’, will go down, in history as one of the great US Presidents ranking with Washington, Roosevelt, and other greats like Garfield and William Penn.
Consider a few of his contributions-
1) Obamacare- Where all poor and eligible citizens would get insurance cover for their health and medical needs and the costs would be borne by the Federal government, but free to the poor. There are poor and many, in the promised land also !
2) Two nations who were Parians in the international arena and were ostracised were brought back into the mainstream.
These are: a) Cuba, under Marxist rule of Fidel Castro, for long. Now US has opened its embassy in Havana- the capital and Cuba in Washington DC.
b) Iran, ruled by Khomeni and an oil rich country (The richest in oil and gas in the Gulf region of Middle East) was under UN sanctions for developing a nuclear arsenal. Now, thanks to Obama. His efforts, the IAEA, has said that Iran has honoured its Pledge and is for nuclear power for peaceful purposes, & with the sanctioning gone, oil is at plenty – and has touched the lowest price of $28 per barrel of crude oil from $110 per barrel, and could go down to $ 20 a barrel.
c) Support for the TAPI pipeline from Turkmenistan to India via Afghanistan and Pakistan.
3) His vow to fight the Al Qaeda and ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria), a brutal, self proclaimed state and claiming territories and posing threats to countries like Afghanistan and India.
4) His and US support to climate change measures and his assurance to aid, financially and technology support wise for developing countries. Like India and to save the planet, in the coming decade
5) A nudge to neighbour Pakistan to desist from its terror-laced diplomacy to wage a proxy war against India. Some chane in Pak attitudes are seen but it is early days.
6) Gun control: Enforceable executive orders for gun-control as irrational shootings are killing innocents in school campuses and elsewhere and in the face of severe opposition ‘law’ enactment not possible.
7) Indian American talent was recognised and rewarded, like never before.
– R Sriram,
former Member Technical KEB, & resident of Koramangala 3rd Block

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