City Kemp News
The Police personnel from the DCP South East Division under the initiative of DCP Dr Rohini Katoch Sepat have started coaching residents of Koramangala and the neighbourhood area on the dos and don’ts with regard to safeguarding their property.
Given the rising crime incidents and the police having difficulty in patrolling all areas all the time, the police department has decided to acquaint citizens with what they can do to prevent chain-snatching, burglaries, house break-ins and vehicle thefts.
On Monday morning one such meeting with the residents did take place at the Koramangala 3rd Block 12th Main Park where a gathering about 40 walkers got lessons from the police.
Assistant Commissioner of Police Venkatesh along with Koramangala Police Sub-Inspector Bharat and team who had arrived appealed to residents especially women who go for a walk or come out to draw rangoli in front of their houses or to buy milk during the morning hours to be extra carefull. The police advised not to wear jewellery revealling to public as it attracts the criminals, instead let it be concealed within the clothes you are wearing – be it a saree or dupatta or shawl etc. Also they told the residents to be alert while walking on streets during morning times and not to venture out on lonely roads and poorly lit roads.
If any crime happens please note down the vehicle registration number and the identity of the criminal. Since we have the database of photographs of number of criminals, it will be easy to identify the culprit when we show the photographs to you if you can remember the identity of the criminal, police said.
At the meeting, ACP Venkatesh appealed to people to take maximum precautions to ensure their own safety and that of their neighbours. He talked about how strangers entered residential building under the pretext of asking for an address and identified flats to burgle or to rob ones chain.
Citing examples of how chains are snatched during season, how fake cops rob women of their jewellery and how vehicles are stolen, the ACP said that the police observed that most of the time, it was negligence on part of people. Quoting one recent chain-snatching incident adjoining Koramangala, the police official said that a woman’s upper garment was torn into two pieces while the jewellery was snatched by the criminal.
The ACP also cited cases where people handed their jewellery over to strangers to get them polished and later found that they had been robbed. He advised the residents to keep jewellery in bank lockers as it will be safe there and could be taken back whenever the necessity arrives. Also when the residents go out of station, he advised not to keep huge amount of cash at homes.
Residents complained about youths mostly college students using drugs in playgrounds/parks and also about indecent manner in parks. To this, the police official obliged to send cops in mufti and put an end to the menace.
Later the police officials inspected the road where a CCTV camera has been installed on trial basis at the residence of Sudhir Sarma – an inititiave of Koramangala 3rd Block Residents’ Welfare Association and the Koramangala Police. The meeting was attended by Ajay Reddy, Koramangala 3rd Block RWA President, Regie Thomas, Secretray of 3rd Block RWA, Govardhan Reddy, Koramangala Ward Congress President, Congress leader Radhakrishna, Vishwanath, Nitin Seshadri, Lata Heble, Mira Pinto, Narayan Reddy from 4th Block, and others.
Koramangala residents get lessons in theft prevention