Bengalureans are the worst victims of the damages caused every year due to rain and storm in the city.
Firefighting exercises usually followed by the officials after the damages caused. By the time, precious life may be lost, houses may be gutted, properties may be damaged and many a time residents have to spend their day in dark without power. If we carefully analyse these things, local body authorities are the main culprit for all these havoc. Due care is not been taken in advance. ‘Prevention is better than cure’, but who has to bell the cat? It’s better have a public debate so as to overcome these regular problems.
Thursday’s 60 to70 kilometre speed strong winds shattered the life of Bengalurians. As many as 350 trees uprooted/ fell in south Bengaluru alone is not a small figure. Many parts of the city residents have to spend their entire day without power due to damage caused by uprooted trees or branches fallen on the electric poles. Following quick remedial measures may in some extent reduce the hardship faced by the residents.
Green cover is a welcome move. However, the BBMP Forest Department is known for its inability to maintain road side trees. They are supposed to prune the overgrown trees time to time. This aspect is completely forgotten.
Few years back when BBMP Commissioner Siddaiah who was a protector of trees had issued strict instructions to officials to earmark proper space at root level of trees, so as to percolate water into bottom of roots for healthy growth. During his tenure, footpaths covered with concrete at the base of the trees were removed by making space for rain water to percolate. That was a good thought in the interest of healthy growth of trees. Now that concept is completely neglected and this may be the cause for uprooting of trees.
BBMP Forest department officials are playing cat and mouse game whenever tree cutting issue arises. Healthy trees were cut without any mercy on the other hand rotten, damaged and which are posing danger were retained with the reason best known to them. This practice must be completely stopped.
BESCOM officials must think of replacing street electric lines passing through grown trees by ABC (Aerial Bunch Cable) cables so as to minimise damages. But the question is whether the officials will act?
-Ravindra Kumar,
Civic activist, Koramangala.
President, ENERA.
ABC cable better option