On the occasion of Rajyothsava, SLA organised for a talk on nutrition. Ms Rashmi, a nutritionist, and her team from Apollo clinic consisitng of a physiotherapist and two techinicans were the guests on the 2nd of November.Ms Rashmi had an impressive and interactive session on health and nutrition. There was a test on awareness and learning for members that enhanced their knowledge on nutrition. The role of different nutrients for different actitvites in the human body was well explained by the speaker. Eight glasses of water in a day, sunlight between 9 and 11 AM, dry fruits, fresh fruits, vegetables, greens, pulses,eggs, meat, grains and fish ensures nutients and assures good heatlh.
The physiotherapist stressed on basic exercises and brisk walks to keep a person active and healthy.
Doing any amount of work at home cannot replace walks. The guest speakers were given tokens of appreciation on behalf of Samskruthi by the president and secretary.Members moved on to having their light snacks and their free check-ups done. They were also given a complementary health check-up card from the Apollo clinic.Next meeting is on the 16th of November-Cookery competition.