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Practical spiritual awakening

Sheela Ladha

Ten years of Bhagwat Gita class celebrated today with a Q and A session and concluded with a potluck lunch .
This is how it all began as Kalyanasunderji put it.
“After our return from Swamiji’s Sadhana camp at Rishikesh, many people were requesting Swamiji to conduct Gita class at Koramangala. Swamiji wanted to have the class where his schedule will not be disturbed. When we offered our house, it is our good fortune he readily agreed. His first introductory lecture was on 14 Nov 2007”.
I had met Kalyanasunderji in the Sanskrit class when we did our first level .He called me to attend the Gita class session at his home.
Which I did and for last 10 years I continue to be a diligent student. Many a times I would enter the class with a question and coincidentally during the discourse Guruji would bring up a similar example and I got my answer!! Every Wednesday 1 hour of spiritual discourse is the right dose for the soul for us urban dwellers I quite enjoy the class.
People are eager to learn our scriptures and try to understand the great philosophy. Sometimes they don’t know where to go? Here we have a teacher coming close to where we reside and give us opportunity to learn. Swami Chidatmanandaji’s never ending interest to educate Advaitha, we will be completing 10 years of uninterrupted class in this centre at # 453,8th main, 4th Block koramangala, Bengaluru 560034. The discourse is in English.
Swamiji who is the disciple of Pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswati, and a student of Swami Paramarthanandaji of Chennai has acquired all their style. As per sanyasis dharma, Swamiji is ever ready to teach Vedanta text to even a very small group of interested persons including children.Swami Chidatamnandaji can be contacted on- ArshaVidhyaSevashramTrust , 131, Ramanshree Nagar, Kammanahalli main road, off Bannerghatta Main Road, Bengaluru 560076. Telephone 080 26432631, cell – 9341332140 / 82178 10599 email – [email protected],
[email protected]
Happiness… is filtering sunshine into the lives of people.
In Koramangala there is a set of determined persons who will never miss a class and this is what they have to say. Lalitha Paramesh :: “I learn from Gita class, that I have to dedicate. all my actions to GOD & accept whatever the result of action as. ” HIS ” Prasadam!! “
Gita Kalyanasunder: “Gita class has changed my attitude towards world and people and accept everything thing without complaining.”
MeenaHariharan: “Experience is great I learned how to live a worthy life.”
Shyamala Sankaran: “Shri Bhagvat Gita has helped me to keep calm n cool under pressure. It is a big achievement for me. Huge thanks to our respected Swamiji.”

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