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Home > City News > Hosur, Little England’s Picturesque Picnic Hilltop Spot !

Hosur, Little England’s Picturesque Picnic Hilltop Spot !

Best wishes for all the reader’s of City Kemp… This article is meant to be an eye-opener where an artist, the Photographer sees beauty in his perspective of an ill kempt picturesque hillock. Man can never compete with nature, he can build only monstrous edifces using natural materials. But nature builds beautiful locales over a period of time by adding and eroding it’s elements… the vagaries of nature are astounding over a period of time. It’s good advice to let time and nature build it’s picture perfect locale! Our advice is not to mess with it! Here’s to a beautiful world, which we leave to the future generation.
Hosur hillock was founded by the Vijayanagar Hoysala Dynasty Kings and they also nurtured this place for irrigation by building a lake, binding people in faith by constructing a beautiful Shiva temple, safeguarding this location for strategic location, this place is a great border town of Tamilnadu which Bangalore (Karnataka) shares called – Hosur! Today it’s an industrial hub of industries. Hosur Hillock was a guard point this side. Kolar in present Karnataka was another door.
Next comes Tipu Sultan, builds a mosque. Further binds people by faith. Brings Lord Hamilton, with help of the colonial British and restores the beautiful Shiva Temple on the Hosur Hill! Built by Hoysala Dynasty Kings. Later by treaty hands over Hosur to the British after losing two wars – Mysore Anglo Wars! British seize the opportunity and make Hosur a headquarter away from Salem, further improving it. Bret, the commissioner of the place builds a castle-fort to woo his fiancée to move to India from Scotland! This was his folly, he’s sacked. The castle today in ruins. So much history of this tiny town bordering Bangalore.
The soil over here is great to grow roses! It’s the rose capital of the world. Valentine’s Day roses are shipped out from here all over the world! Even Lord Shiva was enamoured by this place, his flirtious act with Goddess Parvati gets reckoned with in the puranas.
Hosur has a beautiful Hillock of 250 feet, with twin peaks! One has the beautiful 1260 AD, Lord Shiva Temple the other peak is just mind-blowing picturesque in ordinary light. It makes me want to go back over there to record photos right from sunrise to sunset! This hillock has a small temple shrine recently built. A telescope viewing platform sponsored by Laxmi Mills and a children’s wrought iron play area inagurated by the local government bodies. This rustic place is right behind the Temple flanking to the east! It’s sad to see that this part of the Hillock has gone to seed. Nothing works here! Temple, the play area or the telescope! I think it makes sense to remove all man-made structures out of this place and leave it rendering like a simple garden. This would be a great place of solitude for rest and relaxation. It’s in the heart of the Hosur town or just 35 Kms from Bangalore. Another beautiful fact brought to my notice by a dear friend, he says Tiruvanamalai hillock and this hillock are on the same level of sight and one could see the Kartik Lamp lit from here. Thanks Pratyak! I owe you one!
Hope Hosur Hilltop, behind the Temple remains un-touched by man. Just cleanse it, clean it, maintain it and leave nature to take care of it. Let it grow into a more picturesque sight for the future generation.
Just take a ride and see this place in a different light. Of course step in to the temple for divine intervention.
-Jagdeesh Laxman Singh
aka Jugie Singh
Text & Photography

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