As many as 50 Leaf Compost Bins has been provided by Transport Minster Ramlinga Reddy through MLA Grants to ward no 151, Koramangala, and 15 Nos of leaf compost bins has been allotted to 6th block where 6th Block RWA MC members Archana Murthy, Neeraja Shetty, and Usha Ravindranath@Uma got them installed in the block.
Of the allocated bins, this week the authorities have installed total 7 leaf compost bins in and around 6th block and more 8 more will be installed during the next week. Leaf Compost helps to reduce dry leaves waste from getting mixed with regular waste and ultimately get compost that can be used in the parks and gardens.
How to use ?
n Lid should be locked, otherwise it will become a litter bins.
n People living around it have to water it everyday about 2 to 3 mugs.
n Cow-dung, Panchagavya or simple sour buttermilk to be poured once a week.
n Cow-dung should be in a slurry form, People nearby can also put used flowers, peels of fruits and veggies.
n It takes about 60 to 70 days for the first set of compost to happen, informed Suresh N Gowda Secretary 6th block RWA
Leaf Compost Bins installed in 6th Block