BBMP Commissioner Manjunatha Prasad has directed Health Officers and Medical Officers Health in all divisions to issue notices to all illegal commercial establishments in residential areas.
To start with, notices will be issued to establishments operating in roads of 40 ft width and below. In the next stage those establishments violating ancillary usage restrictions located on roads greater than 40 ft width will be taken up.
The notices draft copy of which has been obtained by City Kemp visualizes a 7-day notice period after serving notice
If the establishment fails to shut down then they will be sealed by the BBMP Health department.
Confirming the progress in the long pending issue MOH BTM layout Bhagyalakshmi confirmed that notices will be issued in Koramangala asking units to down shutters starting from Monday, 9th January.
1st 3rd and 6th block Residents’ Welfare Associations (RWAs) in Koramangala are actively participating in the initiative.